With the Constant Upgrading and Iteration of the Beauty Market, Consumers Tend Towards Rational Choices. The Era of Ingredient-Oriented Products Gradually Evolves into the Era of Efficacy. Skincare Products with Proven Results Witness a Growing Spring. According to Third-Party Data Platforms, the Market Size of Efficacious Skincare is Predicted to Reach 125 Billion Yuan by 2025. International, Traditional, and Emerging Brands All Enter the Competition to Seize Opportunities.
Standing Out in the Sea of Efficacious Skincare: The Power of Specialization. For Example, Focusing on Sensitive Skin and Exploring Specializations like Oil-Sensitive or Dry-Sensitive, or Niche Segments in Anti-Aging, such as Anti-Glycation, Anti-Oxidation. According to Data from Damaixingqiu, There Are Over 5000 Registered Products with a Focus on 'Anti-Oxidation,' This Niche Blue Ocean Avoids the Overlapping Effects of Commonly Known Products Like Acne Removal and Whitening, and Holds Tremendous Development Potential.
◇ Navigating the Red Sea of Efficacy: Anti-Oxidation Leading the Way
Oxidation is the Greatest Threat to Skin Aging, with 80% of Skin Stress Coming from Free Radical Damage in Oxidative Reactions. Daily Exposure to UV Rays and External Stimulants Leads to Free Radical Proliferation, Which Damages Collagen and Elastin Structures, Reduces Skin Cell Vitality, Increases Melanin Production, Triggers Inflammation, Slows Down Cell Renewal, and Causes Issues Such as Dryness, Roughness, Oiliness, and Dull Skin Tone. Therefore, Antioxidation Is Essential in Anti-Aging Regimens.

On a Certain Beauty-Sharing Platform, Anti-Oxidation Ranks First in the Most Popular Skincare Efficacy Segments, with High Engagement. According to Data from Dingxiang Research Institute, When Facing Problems like Enlarged Pores, Dull Complexion, and Rough Skin, Besides Medical Beauty Care, Sunscreen, and Moisturizing, Antioxidation Products Become Consumers' Preferred Skincare Solutions.
How to Better Combine Antioxidation with Products? According to User Search Data on Alibaba's Platform in July 2021, "Liquid Essence" Accounts for 70.50% of Clicks, with 79.22% Click Rate, Ranking Second is "Emulsion/Face Cream." Among the Top 15 Brands in Alibaba's Facial Essence Category, Including "Antioxidation" and Related Keywords, 11 Are Imported Brands, and Only 4 Are Domestic Brands. For New Domestic Brands, Antioxidation Is the Best Choice to Breakthrough in the Red Sea of Efficacy.
◇ Exclusive Patented Formulation: Crafting the Differentiation of "Essential Oil Antioxidation"
With Over 20 Years of Deep Cultivation in the Essential Oil Industry, Pureness Identified This Highly Promising Niche and Strategically Laid Its Foundations. Recently, the Team Has Achieved Breakthrough Progress and Received Good News.
Pureness Has Long Been Devoted to Studying Consumer Needs, Expertly Formulating and Researching the Golden Ratio of Essential Oil Efficacy. After Hundreds of Trial Formulations, They Have Created the Exclusive "Anti-Oxid 1094" Formula, Which Effortlessly Combines Essential Oil Ingredients to Deliver Outstanding Results, Helping Consumers Rediscover Naturally Vibrant Skin."

“anti-oxid 1094”專利證書
The main essential oil components of "anti-oxid 1094" are clove flower bud, wild ylang-ylang, tropical basil, wintergreen, and benzoin thyme. The antioxidant effects are mainly attributed to the components of eugenol, apiole, methyl piperonyl ketone, benzoin, and methyl salicylate present in the essential oil mixture. Compared to single essential oils, a blended essential oil produces a synergistic effect, resulting in a more potent overall efficacy.
Essential oils are composed of many chemical compounds, each of which influences the oil's effects to varying degrees. Although each essential oil has its own unique characteristics and benefits, properly blended essential oils can not only enhance the individual effects of each oil but also generate a more powerful overall effect.
During the experimentation and formulation of "anti-oxid 1094", it was discovered through multiple comparisons of the effects of the four single essential oils and their combined mixture that the synergistic effect of the blended essential oil surpasses that of the single essential oils. However, the antioxidant effect and aroma vary depending on the ratio of the components (excessive phenolic compounds, while excellent at removing free radicals and providing antioxidant effects, can produce a pungent odor). Therefore, "anti-oxid 1094" represents the ultimate formulation achieved through numerous experiments, balancing efficacy, mildness, and aromatic scent.。
◇ Maximizing Synergistic Effects with the Golden Ratio Formulation
"Anti-oxid 1094" can be added to any skincare product. Compared to traditional antioxidant formulations with single active ingredients, this formula combines efficacy and aromatic scent. The combination of multiple ingredients in the golden ratio maximizes synergistic effects, demonstrating excellent performance in removing ABTS radicals, DPPH radicals, and in terms of reducing power, surpassing most products in the market.
Based on the current trends in the skincare market, many users seem to have a less in-depth understanding of antioxidants compared to other powerful effects. In comparison to other strong efficacy demands, "antioxidant" may not appear to be an immediate necessity, leading to fewer investments by domestic brands in this aspect.
However, in reality, statistics from user feedback on Taobao and Tmall, specifically looking at products in the facial essence category with titles containing "antioxidant" and related keywords, show that the annual sales of antioxidant essences exceeded 1.08 billion yuan from September 2020 to August 2021, with the overall market showing an upward trend. In August, the market sales increased by 44.6% year-on-year, with sales exceeding 570,000 units in a single month and reaching over 126 million yuan. The market size and growth of the antioxidant essence category alone are considerable. In the best-selling list for August, several products achieved significant sales figures with complex antioxidant effects, but none were specifically focused on "essential oil antioxidants." This represents both an opportunity and a challenge.
For Pureness, a company with more than 20 years of expertise in the essential oil industry, the future will involve continuous research into aromatic essential oil formulations and products, using proven efficacy to pave the way for a unique approach to essential oil-based skincare.